Social science is the study of society and the manner in which people behave and influence the world around us. History was long regarded as the principal school subject in the field of human relationships. Increased attention to geography, the gradual separation of civics from history, and the introduction of sociology and economics into school programs made it necessary to think in terms of a group of social studies instead of the single subject of history. The rise of the field of the social studies has caused some uneasiness as to its significance and as to its effects upon the study of history. This book introduces the story of ‘social science’, with coverage of history, politics, economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, and geography.
Print ISBN: 9781682507988 | 150 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Social Sciences
Editor: Meng Ma
About the editor: Meng Ma, PhD in sociology, is associate professor in the department of Social science. His teaching interest topics include cognitive development; educational psychology; argumentation; technology and education. His expertise includes international finance; comparative corporate governance; democracy and public policy; China and BRICS; Neuroeconomics and Artificial Intelligence