Due to the energy crisis, environmental, economic, political, market and social issues, researchers have been attracted to develop sources of sustainable and renewable energies to secure energy consumption, protect the environment, and to promote regional development. This book aims to present significant achievements, prospects, projections, generation of electricity, as well as challenges and investment and employment opportunities due to the development of renewable energy.
Print ISBN: 9781682507520 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Environmental Science
Editor: B.N.Silverman
About the editor: B.N.Silverman holds PhD in sustainability. His interests are renewable energy, energy storage and conversion, solar and synthetic fuels, added-value chemicals. He has contributed several papers and research articles on biorefineries, biofuels, bioenergy, bio-based materials and chemicals, nanocellulose, pulp and paper, pellets, forest and biomass resources, process development, novel bio-based products.