High academic performance requires thorough progressive guidance, adequate preparations through constant supervisions and mentoring from significant others which include but not limited to the learners, the teachers, school administrators, counselling psychologists and concerned parents. The low academic performance could be due to many factors. The nature of motivation and learning strategy use is vital to improving student learning outcomes. The present book comprises chapters that look into the extent to which various cognitive, non-cognitive or psychological, and contextual factors contribute to the academic achievement of learners with various sociodemographics and sociocultural backgrounds.
Print ISBN: 9781682507445 | 150 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Education
Editor: Dr. Ricardo
About the editor: Dr. Ricardo Alfred is Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. He has keen interest in adult learning and development, equity and social justice in education and the workplace, immigration and learning, welfare reform and women's economic development, women of the diaspora. He has worked in several universities and has published and spoken at conferences extensively.