Consumer interest in food products has gradually shifted from a request for sensory satisfying products to a demand for foods that are both nutritionally valuable for human health and environmentally sustainable. In this regard, milk and dairy products have been subjected to many controversies. Nonetheless, nowadays, the benefits of dairy foods to human health have been recognized worldwide, and sustainable dairy production and consumption are expected to grow steadily over the coming years, especially in developing countries. This book provides a global perspective on recent developments in the area of dairy ingredients and dairy products.
Print ISBN: 9781682508299 | $165 | 2023 | Hardcover
Subject: Food Science and Nutrition
Editor: Karolina Balik
About the Editor: Karolina Balik is an Assistant Professor. Her research activity is widely shown as she has published over 70 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters mainly related to the application of predictive models in foods, microbial risk assessment and management, and derivation of microbiological criteria in selected foods. She has published 40 research articles on the development of innovative food products, food safety and bioactive compound traceability during processing in reputed journals, 36 international conferences, 9 patent applications, 3 chapters in international books, and 1 scientific book.