Metaphors are one way to help people connect terms in new ways so they develop new images of those terms. For more than 100 years, libraries have used metaphors to seek connections that will help people see libraries as something other than warehouses for books. In recent decades, the library profession has conceived of users in at least five different ways, viewing them alternatively as citizens, clients, customers, guests, or partners. This book will explore various metaphors being used in the library field and how these metaphors can help libraries introduce change to improve their chances of receiving the support needed to survive.
Print ISBN: 9781682507766 | 150 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Library Science
Editor: Chung-Kiak Poh
About the editor: Chung-Kiak Poh holds Ph.D. in Library Science. He has participated in several domestic and international projects. In addition to his academic career, he has more than 10 years of experience in the library education and is active in civil society organizations. He has special interest in perspectives of design, operation, and promotion of digital libraries.