Climate change has moved from being a contested phenomenon to the top of the agenda at global summits. Climate change causes shifts in phenology; in other words, seasonal changes in plants and animals from year to year. Climate change is impacting ecosystems through changes in mean conditions and in climate variability, coupled with other associated changes such as increased ocean acidification and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations. This book introduces a thematic issue dedicated to the interaction between climate change and the biosphere. It explores novel perspectives on how ecosystems respond to climate change, how ecosystem resilience can be enhanced and how ecosystems can assist in addressing the challenge of a changing climate.
Print ISBN: 9781682507544 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Environmental Science
Editor: K. Vandervieren
About the editor: K. Vandervieren, PhD, is Associate Professor in the faculty of School of Life and Environmental Sciences. He has keen interest in environmental management, industrial ecology, environmental governance, local development. His research interests include marine urbanization, global climate change, marine biodiversity conservation and restoration, nature-based solutions, resilience of coastal and marine systems.