Climate change adaptation policies integration process adds a new dimension to spatial planning. National planning systems need to be reviewed for their capability to incorporate new procedures and implementation tools with a view to upgrading general efficacy of public response to climate change. This book focuses on spatial planning processes and how planning decisions around locating development, transport provision, energy supply and upgrading the environmental performance of building stock should aim to reconcile demands for both mitigation and adaptation.
Print ISBN: 9781682507513 | 155 $ | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Environmental Science
Editor: Florian Swidan
About the editor: Florian Swidan holds PhD in Sustainability. He is assistant professor in the department of Engineering for Innovation. He has written several papers on renewable energy, climate change policies, mitigation and adaptation, energy efficiency, policy and economics, triple bottom line sustainability modelling including carbon accounting. His research interests are wind resources, wind conditions for design, energy meteorology, climate change impacts on wind energy sector, zero energy building, passivhaus, CFD, geothermal energy, technical and economic analysis for the energy efficiency of buildings.