Economies are powered by innovation. Much of that innovation derives from forward-thinking individuals who possess the drive, skills, and background to turn a business vision into reality. The importance of entrepreneurs extends beyond the effect those individuals have on their own companies, however. They impact their broader communities, and, in some cases, even the world. Entrepreneurs have played a pivotal role in the growth of the U.S. economy since the 19th century. This book presents the analytical and synthetic dimensions of the foundations of entrepreneurship decisions.
Print ISBN: 9781682508114 | $160 | 2023 | Hardcover
Subject: Management
Editor: David Gozal
About the Editor: David Gozal, Ph.D., is a full professor in the Business Management Department. His research interests include the interface between the main disciplines of engineering/technology and the organizational, administrative, and planning abilities of decision making. He has coordinated several funding research projects and has been also a promoter of several dissertations. At the international level, he has been involved in organizing research events, resulting in diverse research stays at prestigious universities.