• Modern Counselling Psychology

Modern Counselling Psychology

  • Price $145.00
  • ISBN: 9781682503140
  • Availability: In Stock

Counseling psychology, a specialty within the area broadly designated as applied psychology, is not primarily an entitative science but draws heavily upon the basic and applied fields of psychology and upon other behavioral sciences for its foundations. It uses concepts, tools, and techniques that are also used by other specialty groups—notably industrial and personnel, clinical, and school psychology. As such a specialty the most important characteristic of counseling psychology is its focus on the decisions and plans that individuals must make in order to play productive roles in their social environments. This book aims to consider how contemporary critiques of psychological practice impact upon the arena of counselling psychology and hence represent an important consideration for person-centred practitioners.

Editor: A. Borthwick

ISBN: 978-1-68250-314-0 | $ 145 | 2017 | Hardcover